It's March? February flew by... kind of! Haha. So in honor of the March I am going to share my favorite things with you!
Let's get started::
The Beauty Blender is a great product. It makes my makeup looks so good when i'm done.
This Haconut Body Scrub is something that I just recently started using but oh my gosh I love it so so much!
This is by far my absolute favorite chapstick that i've ever used. It smells so good and it keeps my lips soft for a long time.
These white converse go with literally everything and they are so comfortable.

I love all the leggings from PINK. They are super comfortable and I wear them all the time.
Joggers are literally the only thing I wear! They are so awesome for just lounging around!
I've been really into this season of The Bachelor! It's great :)
And of course...
Here are some songs that I have been really loving lately are--
I use my essential oil diffuser ALL the time! Love Love Love it.
Thanks so much for reading today's post!
Love ya :)