101 in 1001

Start: February 9, 2017 - End: November 7, 2019

1. Come up with 101 things (02/09/17)
2. Visit colleges (5/many: CNU, William & Mary, JMU, Virginia Tech, UNC Chapel Hill)
3. Apply to colleges (JMU, Longwood, VT, Radford)
4. Get into college (Longwood, Radford, JMU, VT)
5. Go to college
6. Read 30 books just for fun (5/30: Killing Kennedy, The Princess Diarist, Binge, The Book Thief, 13 Reasons Why)
7. Go 24 hours without social media
8. Visit a new state
9. Go to a wedding (8/4/2018)
10. See a show on Broadway (4/9/2017 On Your Feet)
11. Visit New York City (again) (4/9/2017 - 4/11/2017 here)
12. Graduate from high school
13. Bake something from scratch
14. Do a Pinterest craft
15. Do yoga
16. Go to a college football game (UNC v. Notre Dame on 10/7/2017)
17. Go geocaching
18. Create a vision board
19. Go on a road trip
20. See 10 new movies (A Dog's Purpose, The Edge of Seventeen, Beauty & the Beast, La La Land, Hitch, Collateral Beauty, Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Arrival, Passengers)
21. Collaborate with another blogger or brand
22. Deep clean my car
23. Go to 5 concerts (4/5: Jack Johnson, Andy Grammer, Imagine Dragons, Young the Giant)
24. Reach 1500 on Instagram
25. Post on the blog every day for one month
26. Watch the sunrise
27. Watch the sunset
28. Surprise someone
29. Pay for someone else's meal
30. No meat for one month
31. Do 20 Random Acts of Kindness
32. Run a 5k (4/2/2017)
33. Write a letter to myself to open on November 7, 2019
34. Visit Washington, D.C. 
35. Form new friendships
36. Give 5 "just because" presents 
37. Go to the beach with a snack and people watch
38. Start a bullet journal 
39. Finish my "Wreck This Journal"
40. Find 5 new hobbies (3/5: Photography, Cross Stitching, Embroidery)
41. Make a bucket list for all four seasons (1/4: Summer)
42. Go to the library more often
43. Go to a museum
44. Do an OOTW post
45. Watch the entire series of The Office
46. Watch the entire series of How I Met Your Mother
47. Hang up my eno and use it!!!
48. Learn calligraphy 
49. Run a Color Run  (4/2/2017)
50. Make a time capsule to remember high school
51. Send a message in a bottle
52. Tie Dye something
53. Interview someone for the blog
54. Hold a starfish
55. Watch 5 documentaries (1/5: Burt's Buzz)
56. Celebrate turning 17
57. Celebrate turning 18
58. Celebrate turning 19
59. Go to an Escape Room (5/12/2017)
60. Go to an NFL game
61. Visit an aquarium 
62. Paint a canvas
63. Go hiking
64. Do a fitness challenge
65. Clean out my closet and donate unwanted clothes
66. Get another Kendra Scott necklace
67. Get another Alex and Ani bracelet
68. Try 10 new restaurants (6/10: Buckethead's, Jackson Hole, Froggies, Maggie McFly, Gringo's, Five Guys, Cabo Fish Taco)
69. Go to a farmer's market
70. Make straight A's for one semester 
71. Visit a beach that I've never been to before (4/8/2017 Rehoboth Beach)
72. Go to a baseball game 
73. Go to a drive in movie
74. Bake a pie on Pi day
75. Watch a Star Wars movie on Star Wars Day
76. Go paddleboarding
77. Blog about 30 things that I complete on this list
78. Ride a segway
79. Take a selfie on the first day of each month
80. Go to Charleston, SC
81. Record a one second a day video (inspired by this post)
82. Find a cool wall and take a bunch of pictures
83. Light sparklers on the 4th of July
84. Put $1 in a jar everyday for one year
85. Make a food treat for each holiday
86. Buy flowers for myself
87. Go on a Cruise 
88. Go snow tubing
89. Go water tubing 
90. Draw with chalk on the driveway
91. Make a quilt 
92. Make my own car air freshener
93. Make my own piece of clothing
94. Learn how to french braid my hair 
95. Win a contest
96. Go to brunch
97. Go to 3 new bakeries (3/3: Flour Child, Next Door Bake Shop, Gobble Cakes)
98. Try meditating everyday for one month
99. Grow and Improve my blog
100. Donate $1 to a charity of choice for every task that I do not complete
101. Complete all 101 things!

Keep checking back to see my progress. I can not wait to accomplish all of these things! 
Link your "101 in 1001" below, I would love to keep up with your list, too! 

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