Monday, September 10, 2018

Freshman Year of College

Hi... It's September, the last time I posted was in January. BIG OOPS. 
Anyway, I am currently three weeks in to my first year of college!!! WOOP WOOP!
It is quite glamorous... no ac, sharing a tiny room with another person, shared bathrooms, the bus system. Fun stuff!

But, in all honesty, it is not that bad. Luckily, our room is decked out with fans, I have a killer roommate, the bathroom is not THAT bad, and the bus system has come in clutch! So, the typical college struggles aren't that terrible. 

Despite having been here for less than a month, I am quite the expert (JOKES JOKES). So, I have come up with a list of things that I would like to share with you all. 

  1. Bring as many t-shirts as you want. Seriously... everyone told me that I would get so many free shirts and what not... but I have gotten two free shirts (& one came with a PURCHASE! rude)
  2. Please don't wear apparel from different colleges. I don't know if it's a personal pet peeve or if other people are bothered by it, too. But, it is so annoying when I see Virginia Tech students walking around with Penn State sweatshirts or UNC shorts on. I think it's fine if people wear their tshirts from high school because you actually committed time to that and earned that shirt. But BOIIIII you are not attending school at Penn State or UNC, so get that outta here! 
  3. This one is weird but I didn't realize it until a few days ago... Bring at least one "business casual" outfit. Now... you can interpret that however you'd like, but I would suggest a pair of nice pants and/or khakis, a blouse (cute top) and flats! You are probably wondering "Lily, why on earth would I need an outfit like this? I'm going to be living in Nike shorts & oversized shirts for the next four years!" Well, I am here to tell you that it is indeed quite necessary. Just last week, my roommate needed khakis for a volunteer opportunity through the business school! I made fun of her and then two days later I discovered that I needed a "business casual" outfit. Karma. I have multiple interviews for different clubs coming up that require this attire and if you're a business major then you should honestly just stock up on these clothes! 
  4. Get a whiteboard for your door and then you fill that board with quotes, vines, songs, jokes, polls, literally anything! People WILL comment on it & you will get to know your hallmates a little better!
  5. Write on other people's boards! Leave your name, room number, and your snapchat!!! (Your snapchat friend list will for sure grow)
  6. Learn how to use the Snapchat Code scanning thingy! Honestly, I am probably the only person who doesn't know how to use it because I am a grandma with technology, but seriously prepare to whip this out on the daily.
  7. Have dance parties in a common area or just blast music (when it isn't quiet hours... or do! I don't care) because people will stop by and sing along or dance with you!
  8. Study in your hall's lounge or just hangout there! People are always in our lounge and they are friendly! Turn on the TV and people will sit and watch & then you can PULL OUT YOUR HANDY DANDY SNAP CODE AND MAKE MORE FRIENDS :)
  9. Sign up for clubs/events that are even remotely cool sounding! I have been to quite a few interest meetings already and I am so excited to get involved with these organizations. College is the place to really immerse yourself in the things that you didn't get to commit a lot of time to in high school, but still enjoyed. 
  10. Lastly, and probably the weirdest of all, when you're feeling low on friends listen to a podcast. You can just sit in your bed and close your eyes and it feels like you're surrounded by lots of conversation. I'm freakin weird... OKAY! My favorite podcasts are Serial, The First Degree, and VIEWS :)
I hope you enjoyed this beautiful list of tips & tricks to survive college (well, at least the first three weeks)!! I love you all!! 

xoxo, Lily :)

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